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Learn Words Simply

Learn Words Simply: android application for foreign words learningLearn Words Simply - small Android application for a vocabulary training
The main feature of this application is to eliminate text input on an inconvenient phone keyboard.

  • Application doesn't ask to type a right answer. You choose whether your answer was correct or not.
  • Your can type words on a laptop and then import them to the application.
  • Application is designed for small vocabularies (20-100 words). Don't try to import large vocabularies
QR code for downloading the SimpleLearnWords
Download at Google Play


Learn Words Simply: main window Learn Words Simply: training window

 How to use the application

How to import words

It's convenient to use the Dropbox service.

  1. Create an vocabulary file. For example voc1.txt. File encoding mus be UTF-8. If you are working in Windows you can use Notepad++ editor.
    File format:
  2. Upload the file to your Dropbox account.
  3. Download the file to your phone. I use ES Explorer file manager for this purpose
  4. Import your vocabulary to the Learn Words Simply application: "Import/Export" -> "Import from file".
    We plan to add direct import from Dropbox to the application.

Plans for the future

  • Add direct import from a Dropbox account.
  • Move well-known words to the second dictionary to check them later.
#6 profile 16.12.2016 14:44
#5 B 02.08.2015 13:49
Все вопросы снимаю! :-)
; и , для меня практически для меня одинаково :oops:
#4 Перов Виталий 14.02.2015 14:06
Цитирую andrey 3wo:
Спасибо за полезную программу, но для ее практического использования не хватает возможности смены направления перевода на обратное и вразнобой. Это планируется?

Сейчас сделано вразнабой. Задавать вручную направление пока не планируется. Да и зачем?
#3 andrey 3wo 14.02.2015 01:00
Спасибо за полезную программу, но для ее практического использования не хватает возможности смены направления перевода на обратное и вразнобой. Это планируется?
#2 Перов Виталий 26.10.2014 22:09
Цитирую albert ecker:
your program is absolutely wonderful. i love it to study new vocabulary (collected colloquially and all added vie "add a new word") is there a way to EXPORT my collected data??? i reallyneed to as i want to transfer it to another device and want a secure file just in case...
please help

Thank you for the feedback.

I plan to implement dictionary export in the next version.
#1 albert ecker 26.10.2014 18:58
your program is absolutely wonderful. i love it to study new vocabulary (collected colloquially and all added vie "add a new word") is there a way to EXPORT my collected data??? i reallyneed to as i want to transfer it to another device and want a secure file just in case...
please help
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